Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Rutgers IPM related News

Some recent IPM related news from the Rutgers Cooperative Extension. Click on the links for more information.

The Weather of Late a Doubld Edged Sword

Heads up, Boxwood lovers

Basil downy mildew has been reported in Northern New Jersey this past week. All basil growers should continue to scout and be proactive.

Late blight has been reported on potato as far north as North Carolina near the Virginia border. There have been no reports of late blight in the region to date. To track late blight in the US please visit 

Cucurbit downy mildew has been reported on cucumber, butternut, acorn, and yellow summer squash as far north as central South Carolina. To track the progress of CDM in the US please visit 

Bacterial leaf spot are coming in on pepper and tomato. Black leg has been reported in potato in southern New Jersey. Phytophthora blight on pepper and cucurbit crops has been reported. The heavy rains that have come into and remain in the region have been ideal for P. capsici. All growers need to scout on a regular basis and be proactive.

Early blight has been reported in tomato.