Sunday, May 19, 2013

Do you know about the Rutgers - Plant and Pest Advisory newsletter?

This week I received an update from the Plant & Pest Advisory and was reminded of the usefulness of the information.  For those of you unfamiliar with it, the Plant & Pest Advisory shares concise, timely, seasonal management information that has been used to sustain New Jersey's commercial growers for over 40 years. The articles focus such varied topics as insects, disease, and weed management for fruit, vegetable crops, field and forage crops, ornamentals and turf.  While the advisories are meant for commercial operators, they also can provide useful information to community gardeners and home gardeners. The information comes directly from Rutgers research and extension facilities to subscribers.   Emerging issues in nutrient management, farm food safety, crop insurance and risk management education, and disease forecasting using NEWA (Network for Environment and Weather Applications) can also be found within the pages of the Plant & Pest Advisory newsletter.  For the most recent post or to subscribe, please visit the link: .

Additional Information

Network for Environment and Weather Applications - Cornell University