Tuesday, July 8, 2014

IPM Notes from July 3, 2014

The sweet corn is in leaf stage 7. The majority of weeds in this cornfield have died from spraying. The corn has also recently been fertilized and does not show the recent firing at the base of the plant from last week. The sweet corn shows some damage from the cereal leaf beetle. Other bugs noted were the sap beetle, click beetle and plant bug. Much of the sweet corn damage was seen from the European corn borer. The corn borer holes were noted in the foliage, as well as the frass, and several corn borers were found inside the corn plant, which is non-BT corn.

The field corn is in leaf stage 9. The field corn next to the wheat field still shows a tremendous amount of window paining from the cereal leaf beetle, even on the newer growth. The larger leaf of this variety of corn grows in a more vertical direction, thus receiving more sunlight and capable of being planted closer together, thus increasing yield.

The popcorn is in leaf stage 3 and will be side-dressed possibly today, with urea fertilizer. There were some Japanese beetles on the popcorn and this will need to be monitored.

The soybeans are just sprouting and are in the second trifoliate phase.

The wheat was harvested this past Monday. The new crop to be planted on this no-tilled field will be soybeans. There were several types of weeds on this field, which will need to be killed before planting.

In the demonstration plots bacterial leaf spots on the tomato plants may be coming from the straw that was laid down as a barrier to weeds.. The two outside rows of the strawberry plot have powdery mildew, and were sprayed again today. The peanut and pepper plants have rebounded and are performing much better. The hops show a disease on the leaves that need to be determined. The sorghum plants have recently sprouted and are doing well.

Weed of the week – Pepper weed

Bug of the week – Flea beetle

Below are the summaries for the insects caught in the three insect traps.
  • Trap 1 (Black Cut Worm) – 3 oriental beetles.
  • Trap 2 (Fall Army Worm) – 4 true armyworms, 3 chafer bugs, 2 lightning bugs, and 1 each of ladybug and syrphid bug.
  • Trap 3 (European Corn Borer) – Nothing